Wednesday, July 1, 2009

For my beloved sister in AZ

July 1, 2009

2:50 PM

62 degrees


. . . .

My door is always open

Bring a sweater


Rebecca said...

Oooh, I may be knocking on your door soon! I emailed Rog; but I'm hoping to come see you this Summer sometime.

Marilyn said...

OH! I haven't seen 62 for MONTHS! Except it is cloudy here today and was yesterday but no rain...

GGMA said...

Don't expect that in Utah. Bring some shorts.

Jessica said...

I am so offended that you didn't invite me too...I mean geez, I am the pregnant one. She has not room to complain!

Liz said...

I'm in AZ too. Your weather sounds so refreshing.