Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Well, I've been remiss in posting lately (has it really been more than 2 weeks?) I wanted to post this picture of the scene we awoke to on Thanksgiving morning. We have had such a lovely fall, wonderful warm weather even just a few days before Thanksgiving, that this was a shock!

Well, since then we have had more snow, ice and cold than you can imagine. Church was canceled last Sunday, which hasn't happened in my recollection, EVER! Wow, it was strange to be home.

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful holiday--who doesn't love a holiday focused on food? It was a bit lonely without my other family members, but we made up for it by inviting all four missionaries for dinner. I don't know why, but it does my heart good to see them eat and relish the food. They came over again the next day to help chop wood--and eat, of course.

Hope you all are enjoying the holidays!

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