A sign of old age I think. I am amazed when friends of mine can recall specific details of their childhood. I can barely remember last week. Oh well.
So, here are some updates on things I have posted about.
1. Homemade laundry detergent. Remember this?

A definite success. I really like it. It works very well, and is cheap too. Here is my recipe, and there are other recipes out there. Just google if you don't like mine:
1 bar Fels Naptha soap (in the laundry isle), grated
1 1/2 cups borax
1 1/2 cups washing soda (NOT baking soda)
1/2 cup oxiclean (optional)
You can find all of these things in the laundry isle, although sometimes you have to look hard to find them. Other types of bar soap work well, although I wouldn't use any body bar soaps. I grate the soap and then put it in the Cuisinart for additional chopping. I like my flakes fine, man!
Use 1 tbls per load. I have an he washer so I use this much. You may need more in other types of washers.
I am into saving money and also being green. I would love any other tips--share yours with me and I'll post them here. I promise I won't forget.
Use 1 tbls per load. I have an he washer so I use this much. You may need more in other types of washers.
2. Vinegar in the rinse.
Hmmm. The jury is still out on this one. I think I was using too much. Things acquired a funny smell--not vinegar, but something else, especially my whiteys. I cut way back on it and also use a dryer sheet. Much better. Vinegar definitely removes any soap residue.
3. Homemade diswasher powder
Definitely didn't work well for me. Then I read that you really only need just a tablespoon of the storebought stuff in the wash, tried that and it works great. Still save $$, but get sparkling dishes. I do put vinegar in the jet dry spot.
I am into saving money and also being green. I would love any other tips--share yours with me and I'll post them here. I promise I won't forget.