Saturday, April 26, 2008

Catching up

I'm realizing that I post about things and then forget to follow up.


A sign of old age I think. I am amazed when friends of mine can recall specific details of their childhood. I can barely remember last week. Oh well.

So, here are some updates on things I have posted about.

1. Homemade laundry detergent. Remember this?

A definite success. I really like it. It works very well, and is cheap too. Here is my recipe, and there are other recipes out there. Just google if you don't like mine:

1 bar Fels Naptha soap (in the laundry isle), grated
1 1/2 cups borax
1 1/2 cups washing soda (NOT baking soda)
1/2 cup oxiclean (optional)

You can find all of these things in the laundry isle, although sometimes you have to look hard to find them. Other types of bar soap work well, although I wouldn't use any body bar soaps. I grate the soap and then put it in the Cuisinart for additional chopping. I like my flakes fine, man!

Use 1 tbls per load. I have an he washer so I use this much. You may need more in other types of washers.

2. Vinegar in the rinse.

Hmmm. The jury is still out on this one. I think I was using too much. Things acquired a funny smell--not vinegar, but something else, especially my whiteys. I cut way back on it and also use a dryer sheet. Much better. Vinegar definitely removes any soap residue.

3. Homemade diswasher powder

Definitely didn't work well for me. Then I read that you really only need just a tablespoon of the storebought stuff in the wash, tried that and it works great. Still save $$, but get sparkling dishes. I do put vinegar in the jet dry spot.

I am into saving money and also being green. I would love any other tips--share yours with me and I'll post them here. I promise I won't forget.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Beautiful Day

My apologies to Paula and anyone else who REALLY wanted to know. Here is THE prom dress:

she just looks so doggone cute, doesn't she?
It is a beautiful day in Michigan. We really appreciate these kind of days because we only get about 5 of them in a year. There are certain qualifications to a beautiful day. They are:

1. Warm enough to go without a jacket, and if you feel daring, wear shorts!
2. Cool enough to wear pants, if you want to.
3. A few cotton candy clouds in a blue, blue sky
4. No bugs to bite, sting or otherwise annoy you.
5. Birds singing in the day, frogs singing at night.
6. Enough breeze to ruffle your hair, yet keep your "do" intact.
7. The smell of the cow farm down the street. (Okay, that doesn't sound all that great, but it means that my windows are opening and letting the air in!)
8. Spring green on the trees. Love that color and we only see it in the spring.
9. Happy sounds of children playing outside.
10. Daffodils

On Sunday we took a little bike ride to daffodil street. We call it this because everyone on the street has planted daffodils, and in some cases, LOTS of daffodils.

Oh, look who I found playing in the flowers!

she is just going to love seeing herself here, heheh!
These are particularly pretty. I just love daffodils.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Love is in the Air

It is springtime in Michigan.

It is going to be 73 here today.

The grass is greening up.
The birds are all a-twitter.

Remember the movie, "The Birds"? We had our own version at our house today. Check out this video. And look out for those frisky robins on your front lawn.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Trippin' it in Utah - Continued

Part IV - Eating Out - Final Chapter!

Ok, this is the last I will do on our Utah trip. I found this cool slide show thingee and thought I'd try it out. Here are some of our memorable moments eating in Utah.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Trippin' it in Utah - Continued

Part III - Conference

We took the tracks to the conference center. It was too early in the morning for some of us.

Adam looks cool in Emily's shades

If you hadn't heard, we didn't make it in to the session :-(

Check out this face. He is holding his ticket.

We made the best of it. In spite of the cold, the wind, and the slow train.

Afterwards, we had a nice, fattening meal at Chilis'

We went our separate ways later--me, Adam and Emily to Aunt Ginny's, Mari, Tyson and Austin back to Provo. Here is one more picture. without the picture taker in it:

Friday, April 11, 2008

Trippin' it in Utah - Continued

Part II - Shopping

While we were in Utah it was essential to find Mari a recital dress. Emily also got into the action by wanting a prom dress, since, of course, it is IMPOSSIBLE
to find a modest prom dress in Michigan. Here were our final two choices. Which one do you like best?
I'll share later which one we picked. She looked good in both, I thought.

Anyway, back to Mari. We looked and looked and looked! Nothing seemed right. We were getting desperate by Friday night--her performance was on Monday and Saturday we were supposed to go to general conference (more on that later). We ended up at Dillard's and hallelujah, everything looked good. Here is her final choice:
Emily and Mari were entranced by an apparent bubble floating in the wishing pool. They were determined to try and pop it with a penny.

Turns out the "bubble" was just a plastic cap floating in the water. It took many pennies before we figured that one out. Doh!

To be continued . . .

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Trippin' it in Utah

I'm back! - Part I

We had a great trip and I have much to share. The question is, how much? Do you want to hear the whole story? It may take a few blogs to cover it all. I'll leave out most of what is in my children's blogs.

First, the bleary-eyed 7 am passengers getting ready to board. We slept in a hotel minutes from the airport with the endless sounds of planes flying over mixed with my snoring. I couldn't have snored too much, I think I got about two hours of sleep.Emily from the airplane window as I saw the sun rise: (I still can't believe I was that high in the air)
We stayed a night at Ginny's, but weren't very good company. I fell asleep on the couch after dinner. More snoring ensued.

Once we arrived in Provo we greeted happy family members:
We lunched with Mari. Mmm, Subway is good wherever you live.
Austin loves taking goofy pictures. My nostrils always get the worst of it.
Drivin' Tyson's car. He sacrificed himself and rode his motorcycle. It was cold while we were there. Of course it was 65 in Michigan.

This is just the beginning. I'll write more tomorrow. I am back to work in full swing. Taught 7 lessons today and now am on my way to a meeting in Midland. I need another vacation!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008



I am very happy to be here safe and sound on the ground.

It is great to see my kids, and my family.

I've got some great pictures to show you when I return.

Until next time . . .