Today I had my first session with my personal trainer.

Before I give details, I need to back up a bit. DH teaches a personal trainer class, and I usually don't get to participate, but by my great fortune, one of the participants backed out and he needed someone in a hurry. Lucky me! Free training, yahoo!
So last week, as I mentioned previously, I had my assessment. It was interesting. I have done it before so I sort of remembered what was done, but my memory these days isn't always accurate. At any rate, I had to ride the exercise bike, as increasing tension was added. I was peddling along thinking, "Wow, I don't remember it being this hard. Boy, my legs are burning!" Periodically my trainer would take my pulse and blood pressure, as I pedaled away.

So, FINALLY, after 25 minutes I was finished. I was pouring off sweat (which I usually do anyway) but GEEZ, that was hard! So when I got home I casually asked athletic man (DH) how long the bike ride was supposed to be. "Oh, 8 to 13 minutes." "WHAT???" I blurted.
So, I faced today with much trepidation. Would I live through this? How hard could it be?
After a few exercises I knew I was in trouble. We worked the quads, the gluts, the abs, then the quads again, then the gluts again, then the inner and outer thighs. When we got done my legs felt like noodles. My trainer smiled and said, "You will probably be a bit sore tomorrow."! Ha! That's an understatement!
So, here I sit. Unable to get up. I may still be here tomorrow morning. When I have to start it all over again.