Monday, February 11, 2008

Baby, it's cold outside!!!

I got up this morning and it was -4 degrees!!

Add a 25 mph wind to that, and it is enough to shiver me timbers, mateys!

This weekend was kinda sad. Ems and I went to the dance (which turned out very nice, BTW), and she came to me about 8:30 pm and said "I don't feel good." "What's wrong" I responded. "I feel like I'm going to throw up."


So I sat with her for awhile in a small quiet room with a bowl at the ready. She admitted that she hadn't felt well all day, but really wanted to go to the dance (to see someone special).
Long story short, we left early.
I was supposed to be in Midland the next day for unit conferences. Sunday morning, I stayed with Em at home from our church meetings, trying to pysch myself up for the trip and argued with myself, something like this:

"I need to go. I can't desert them."
"But it is freezing outside. The roads are terrible. I really don't need to be there."
"It is my duty to do my job. I know I don't have to teach or do training, but I should be there for support."
"Emily needs me here. I can't leave her alone. They'll understand. Besides, I don't feel too well myself."
"Good mormon women ALWAYS follow through, no matter what. Don't you want to be a good mormon girl?"

I don't know at what point the decision was made, but I stayed home. I felt bad--for a few minutes. When Roger got home and found me there, still in my pajamas, he was surprised. When he said the roads were terrible, I felt vindicated.
See! I was supposed to stay home.

Later that night, as I was sniffling after watching a program on President Hinckley, he said, "Do you realize that you have been in your pajamas all day?"

"Yes, I do. I think I'll wear them all week!"

That's what the cold does to you. Makes you want to hibernate. Which I did. All day. On Sunday.


Rebecca said...

Hibernating in your pajamas all day long on a day where no one feels good is a-ok in my book! Tell Rog he knows he'd do it too if it were him!

Hope you all feel better soon!

Marilyn said...

Oohhh that's cold. If it's any consolation, it was 77 today here. Kinda hot in the house.....I'll send you some sunshine if you'll send a cool breeze here. Hope Em's feeling better.

Meggin said...

Sis. Hammer!
I found your blog off of Mari's site. It's so fun to see your grown up family! I guess it has been almost 8 years ago that we moved, but somehow I just imagined your kids as still, well, kids! Glad to see everyone is doing well!

Anonymous said...

I had all three kids home yesterday and joined the ranks of staying in pajamas all day! It was glorious! I also watched tv in the middle of the day and if I'd had any, might have eaten bon bons, too.

Mari said...

I'm pretty sure I could use a day in pajamas... Perhaps that day will come when I am done with school and work and if the weather is bad enough. Sounds kinda nice.