Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pete and Repeat

I woke up this morning and guess what I saw??? No really, can you guess what I saw outside my window . . . . again?
Yes, we have snow again. And no school again. This time we got a lot!
But we Michiganders are tough. We can handle this! We are so hardy that we don't even need coats. Heck, we can wear our summer clothes!
(she is wearing shorts and flip flops--can't quite see those!)

And, we can even get a tan! Well, sort of, through the clouds. . . .

sigh . . . Here's hoping for an early spring . . .


jen said...

Wowzers! Look at that ! It looks so beautiful to me sitting here in my comfy chair...& COLD!!! You guys are TOUGH! E is looking so grown up & GORGEOUS!!

Marilyn said...

oh.my.gosh.....what can i say-sure looks perty in the photos! E is a tough girl!

Rebecca said...

E is Gorgeous!! (notice the capital G)

I linked to your blog from Paulas... so glad I did!