Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bah Handbag!

I am not a fashionista . . . even though I would like to be.

Take my purse, for instance. I really don't like purses. Is that weird for a woman? Who wants to lug around a 20 lb purse on their shoulder while shopping? I've always envied men who can just slip a wallet into their pocket and have their hands and shoulders free.

So purses are not high on my wish list. I usually pick one that is on the smallish side, so that it is lighter. I really don't care if it looks good with my outfit. My purses last years.

So, about two years ago I bought this little number. Cute, no?

I like it and it was 85% off, which made me like it even more. It wasn't heavy and fit over my shoulder nicely. The problem is . . . my stuff doesn't fit inside.

It took me many minutes to find my keys once they slid into the depths. How could such a small purse swallow up stuff? And my wallet was one size too large, always sticking out. Ems was embarrassed by me. She is the fashionista in the family and insisted I buy a bigger purse.

Three months later I finally found one I liked, that seemed the right proportion and fit on my shoulder. It was only 50% off, but after looking for months I wasn't going to argue. Cute? Yes?

And, hallelujah everything fits! There is even a pocket for my cell phone, which was always disappearing in the old purse.

I have to admit, though, that I have a hankering for a little red one. You know how I am about red. Someday I might just give in and get a sassy red purse. Just for fun.


Anonymous said...

Very nice! I'm with you on red. I keep wanting to buy red shoes. Nothing to wear them with, but don't really care. I still want red shoes.

Jessica said...

You and my mom are so alike

hogan said...

Got for it and get the red one...life is short LOL.
Buy Handmade!

hoganfe handmade
handbag originals

Mari said...

Ooh yeah yeah! Get a red one! I've always wanted a bright yellow one.