Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Snake Saga continues . . . .

My story isn't finished.

After looking under clothes . . .

Under school paraphernalia. . .

I had given up trying to find sir snake.

So, when Ems got home yesterday she immediately asked me if I had found the snake. Earlier on her way out the door she said it was wrapped around a picture frame. Since I was in a sleep induced fog at the time I didn't quite get that message. So back in her room we tiptoed.

"Mom! See, it's by the picture frame!"
Oh! Duh! I was looking for something, uh, slightly larger. He's not so bad!

I leaned forward to snap a picture. That's when . . .

He started moving! I'm sure you can imagine our reaction. Screams were heard through the house.

Now that I had found him (or is it her? How can you tell?) I wasn't about to lose him/her. So I got my trusty salad tongs (they work great in a pinch, heh heh). I was still screeching, by the way.

And put sir snake in a bag.

He was unceremoniously dumped outside where he belongs. Goodbye sir snake! Don't come back now, ya hear?


Marilyn said...

shudder, shudder, shudder. I checked out the web site and she doesn't have any headers that match my blog yet-so I'll wait until she does one.....i'm a matchy, matchy sort of girl!

The Mink Family said...

I'm seriously quivering.....I gave a yelp when I saw the picture of sir snake....I don't think that I would have handled it quite as well as you did! Kudos to you!!!

Rebecca said...

Awww, he's (or she) cute!!