Sunday, September 21, 2008

He's Baaack!

My DH has finally returned home.

Actually he has been home for a few days, but we had to immediately leave town to go to a conference. Now we are back again. Confused yet? I am. Where am I, anyway?

Okay, back to my main point, I wanted to share some of his highs and lows from his trip. Here they are:

High Points:

1. Getting a brand new truck!
2. Surfing in the ocean
3. Seeing lots of family members, some he hasn't seen in years
4. Finding the Haun's Mill location and remembering his ancestors
5. Receiving a box filled with his late mother's memorabilia. That was worth the whole trip.

Low Points:

1. HAVING to buy a brand new truck (in 8 hours or less)
2. Wrenching his back while surfing in the ocean
3. Driving long hours to see family members
4. Wading in thigh deep water to get to Haun's Mill
5. The long, lonely hours between Missouri and Michigan.

We are glad to have him back. So is the dog and the goldfish. Next post will be about our weekend up north.

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Glad you're back too Rog. How come you didn't stop in Az? Then you could have enjoyed our 100+ heat too!